Futures Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of July 27, 2024, 01:19:26 AM CDT or prior.
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Ag Market Commentary
Cattle Post Mixed Trade, with Feeders Rallying -

Live cattle futures saw mixed trade on Friday, with contracts anywhere from 37 cents lower to 50 cents higher. Cash trade was quiet this week, with

Wheat Fall to New Low on Friday -

The wheat complex was in near free fall mode heading into the weekend, with losses across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures were down 13 to

Cotton Heads Lower on Friday -

Cotton futures were pulled lower on Friday, as contracts were down 72 to 116 points on the day. The outside markets had some effect, as crude as

Soybeans Collapse on Friday as Bulls Limited Ammo Dries Up -

Soybeans gave back all of the gains in the August contract for this week and most of November’s on Friday, as contracts fell 28 to 38 ½ cents

Hogs Mixed on Friday -

Lean hogs closed out the Friday session with contracts mixed, anywhere from 30 cents lower to 40 cents higher. The USDA National Base Hog price was

Corn Gives Back Gains on Friday as Bears Resume Selling -

Corn futures ended the Friday session with losses 10 to 11 ½ cent losses across most contracts. The weekly gain for September was 4 cents as Dc was

Full commentary...

London Ag now has an app (or webversion) tool that will assist growers with obtaining information surrounding settlements, bids, scale tickets, contracts and balances. The app can be found in either the Google Play store or the App Store under the name "London Ag". You can download the free app and follow the instructions to register to obtain your information. Below are instructions to help register for the app. 


If you would prefer to use the webversion available on internet browser you can follow this link: Welcome | London Ag | Bushel Grower App (bushelpowered.com) Once you are on the link you can follow the instructions to register to see your information. 


If you would like assistance registering for either version or are having any issues, please contact 519-848-6226 for assistance. 



We are contracting for 2023 harvest IP and non-gmo soybeans. Accepting SO3W4, S07M8, Strive, non-gmo beans at our location. Give us a call if interested 519-848-6226

Visit the below link for daily cash bids. 




These are difficult and stressful times for many farmers with marketing challenges, financial challenges and world events. Remember that "its ok not to be ok" and there is help out there. Please reach out and don't become another statistic, your family and friends need you here. Please visit our mental health tab above for various ways to reach out.    





The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange